Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Silence is broken

Internet is a funny thing. Kind of like one's health. When you have it you take it for granted but when you don't have it you realize how much you enjoy it.

No, praise the Lord, I'm not sick :D But the last few weeks have been a bit tough with dodgy internet :(

I posted on facebook that I've learned that a 25 y.o. in the 21st Century can live without internet! Not saying it's easy though!

Even being able to send and receive e-mails is currently a luxury :D But onto my adventures :D

Yesterday was busy! I had a Creole lesson in the morning from 8-11 - but I ended up staying closer to noon. My teacher has a 3 year old niece - she's the one in the video on Shutterfly saying "You're well" when asked how she was :D She is as cute as a button! She hasn't quite gotten my name yet, insistst that it is "Delida" - no matter how many times we repeat: "Elida" to her! I also got a video of her arguing with her aunt about the fact that my name was 'Delida Delida Delida' and not 'Elida Stephanie Walton'!

After Creole lesson throughout the day I was called upon in the nature of my profession - everything from a migraine to a scraped toe!

It was fantastic!

The migraine was easy to take care of - couple of Excedrin-like pills :D

The scraped toe was a little more dramatic! Not sure as to how hard all of your stomachs are so I'll try not to be too detailed - and you'll be happy to know I didn't get any pictures so you're safe :D

The girl (15) had somehow tripped or skidded by the side of the pool and her whole big toe looked quite the mess - I ran to my room and got a few first aid supplies - sent someone to get me the key to the Office so I would have gloves, and then got one of the little girls to fetch water so I could give the patient some ibuprofen to help with the pain and any subsequent inflammation. Got a hold of a large tub and had the patient bathe her foot with soap and water. Didn't look to bad after this. Cut away the torn skin - she was a little aprehensive at first but once I started cutting and she didn't feel anything - because it was completely detached she relaxed considerably. A wash with Saline Wound Cleaner, some antibiotic/antiseptic spray, and it was looking a lot better. The bleeding had stopped and it really was just a surface tear - painful but not too bad. Put some antibiotic ointment on gauze wrapped it with roll bandage and secured it with a piece of tape and Bob's your uncle! Gave her some antibiotic cream to take home along with another piece of gauze and some tape and bandage roll. Lord willing it doesn't get infected!

Also had a little girl with open blisters on the sides of her feet due to sandals :( gave her some TLC antibiotic cream and bandaids and she was happy as a lark :D

As I said - busy day!

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