Well Peeps!
Thought I should write you again :D What's been happening?
Well a lot and yet not so much. I'm continuing in my language and God is keeping me humble - just about the time I think that I've got it - He gives me an experience to show me I'm still an infant learner.
Like today when I went to a church service with over 1,500 people with a Canadian couple who are here with Power to Change (used to be called Campus Crusade for Christ) and felt good that I was able to translate (if only a little) for them the 15 minute sermon before Phil got up to speak.
...And then...
...went to the house of a friend's Uncle and struggled just to understand conversational Creole....
...devastating! :'(
But I am advancing - I just have to think where I was 2 months ago! HaitiHub helped a lot in getting me jump-started but on the whole? Nowhere near where I am now! Which IS a good thing - like Stella says on White Christmas: "Advance, advance, never retreat!"
Let's see: this week we had a group from Germany here - who provided some head whirling, entertainment, and theological conversation!
Head-whirling: Hearing German spoken in Haiti!
Entertainment came from conversations like:
Dave: Bon Apetite. What do they say in German?
Helmut: Vee don't say anyting - vee jus eat!
Theological conversation: Why do we pray 'in Jesus name'? is that just something we say because we've been taught to say it? or do we realize what Jesus meant when He said to 'ask the Father in My name'?
Then we have a mobile clinic team here with one ER nurse, a midwife and her hubby and their four ADORABLE kids, and a Chiropracter - got my back sorted the other week - yay! and a little message therapy! One story I am sure they will take back with them to Kansas City? The SEVEN hour return trip from their clinic that was just 15 miles away! Due to rain and 'blockis' (traffic jam) - they said it took them longer to do that 15 miles than to travel from Kansas City to Haiti!
I have one more week here at the Villa before I will, Lord willing, be moving in with my Creole teacher - Charlotte! Eeeeek! a little nervous - I've grown accostumed to living here at the Villa and how things are here, my room/routine - as my dear Mother said: "..another chapter in the life and times..."
Well, I think "that's all for now folks!" ;)
Don't forget to check out pics on www.renewhaitipics.shutterfly.com!
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