You know what's nice? When you work REALLY hard and someone appreciates that! This little girl came in today for consultatio but her Dad had left his Rendez-vous card at home - which means we had little hope of finding her dossier. I told him to give his name in at the Archives and tell them he was going home quick to get the card and would be back, he said ok and off he went. Came back a little later saying that he was told he couldn't do that b/c even tho the MOM lives here in Vaudreuil, he lives too far away to be able to go and come back. So I told him to just go and have a NEW dossier made and NEXT time he comes in to bring BOTH rendez-vous cards in and we'll put the two dossiers together. So off he went again. But came back saying they wouldn't let him do that? I finished up screening the last of my 'consultation' kids and before starting on Vaccinations took him to the Archives and talked with Nelly - and explained to her the situation and could she PLEASE make a dossier for him? She asked if he'd already given his name? and he started going off on a rabbit trail - we had to ask FIVE times before he finally just said: "No." so she wrote it down - told him to take a look - #95 - she was just starting on #32 - so he was going to have to wait awhile - but to be patient. He was thankful and told me so. I thought that was the end of it? Later on he came back AGAIN while I was in the middle of screaming kids, giving vaccines, drawing up medication, writing down which ones I'd given, who got what and when they should come back to tell me that he'd only come with 250gds = 5.80 USD. But consultation was 400gds = 9.30 USD (it'd gone up he said since the last time he'd been here? Prudence was just telling him that any problem he had she could help him with EXCEPT a money issue. I took a blank card and wrote to Nelly in the Cashier's office and told her to charge the extra bit to me - I told him to go and pay what he had in the Cashier's office. Prudence then told him not to come back ;) So, at the end of the day = 60+ kids later when he showed up outside the door - I was just a little sarcy when I asked - before he could say anything: "What did the Nurse tell you earlier?" I was quickly humbled as he started pouring out his thanks to me. And that though he knew he'd not be able to repay me, God could and He would. He would repay me for what I'd done. And thanking me, and hoping that I would stay a long time to help out in Haiti and to continue to be a blessing. And thank you, thank you, thank you! He just couldn't say it enough! (A lot of times when one does something similar one will get the initial thank you/God bless you - but that's it - but this guy came BACK to specifically thank me...profusely!
Ismaël Sephora
In thinking about this - and recounting it to my housemate, Erica, and friend, Lisa - I was reminded of the 10 Lepers and how only ONE came back and said "Thank You." You may see ten people and only ONE of them comes back to say it, but it's that ONE that makes you realize why you do what you do to help. - Wisdom from Erica.
I also thought - wow - if I feel that touched by some one coming and telling ME thank you, how much more must the Father heart of God feel when we go back to Him and say "Thank you."?
Thank you for sharing the experience--a good start to my day. I pray for you very often, Elida.