I have been to Atlanta, Lynchburg, and Winston-Salem, and BACK! It has been busy and fun, long, and exciting! And now I am sitting quietly at home about to tell you all about it. Well, maybe not all :D
Praise the Lord for safety on the roads for all trips. Mom drove everywhere - she usually does :D and Dad navigated. I sat in the back of the rental car and read, watched the scenery and jammed with Mom to Sirius XM 40s, 50s, and 60s classsics - to and from Atlanta.
Our trip to VA was wonderful - both ways - once again thankful for friends and family. We were basically going to see Tiffany (my sister) for her Spring Break and to be an encouragement to her. We also got to see "A&M" (Andrew and Michelle - my bro and sis-in-law). She is 'preggo' with my niece!!!! and I am very excited :D Should be some time mid-July - I have already hit two garage sales and I'm not about to quit anytime soon!
My best friend from PCC, 'Aruba', lives in NC which wasn't too far away! It was close enough that she drove to and from VA just so we could spend a few days together! She had to work but I was able to hang out with her sister on Weds - she took me out to TGIF's - fun stuff - I'd never been before. And then we went to a nail and spa - never been to one of those before either - not likely to go again - it's pricey...BUT so much fun! We got pampered so much! I felt like a princess...well OK - I felt like the princess I am ;)
Aruba and I then went to Pine Dale Christian Church for their Wednesday night Women's Meeting. I was hoping to share but it didn't quite work out :( but it was good fun anyway! We started off by putting together 'hostess' baskets for a women's ministry they are involved in. We sang Potter's Hands acapella - beautiful. And then the speaker spoke on being clay in the Potter's hands. Challenging us with two life stories - one of a woman who appeared all put together and 'perfect' on the outside but who'd been struggling with allowing God to command her life for years. She'd been hurt by friends in the past and had built up numerous thick walls around her heart - keeping people at a distance. And the other a woman who was open and obedient to God's still small voice when He told her to stop as she was driving along the Highway. She'd seen 'something' fall from an overhead bypass. The 'something' was a man who in a drunken stupor either fell or threw himself over the bypass to end his life. She was able to be with him in his final moments, to pray over him and with him - it turned out later that his family was in GA and had no idea where he was. What a comfort to them to know that a stranger, who was willing to listen to God's still small voice, was there when their husband and son was leaving this world.
The speaker had us read Jeremiah 18:1-4 then asked the simple question: What kind of clay are you? Dry? Moist? Cracked? Malleable? I am going to ask the same question. Look at these two women's lives -which are you like? Built up with walls refusing to let anyone in? or Living your life listening to His voice?
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