Monday, January 9, 2012

...And the Beginning of Another

A new chapter...I sit and type on the eve of CROSS Training! And I think:

"God has me 51% funded!"

"I am excited about tomorrow and the start of new things He's gonna do."

"Wait, it's already past 12:00! I need to get to bed!" :D (For those who may not know, I have a strong aversion to mornings. Needless to say I am not exactly relishing the thought of being up and at 'em before ten for the next month). Please note the very well put Garfield comics below.

 To try to put CROSS Training in a nutshell, I am going to quote from Stephanie Caraway's "Team Caraway" Update. Because 1) She puts it so well, and 2) I really do need to get to bed :D

"During CROSS Training, participants will share testimonies, learn about cross-cultural ministry, sharpen their interpersonal skills, learn how to care for themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually while serving in ministry, and more."

So there you have it :D I will be quite busy for the next month by the sounds of it.

Your continued prayers are coveted greatly (especially in the morning matter). Also: getting along with the other fifteen participants, forming strong bonds, unity (within the group), facilitator and participator endurance, etc :D

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