Monday, April 6, 2015

Because He Lives

I woke up this morning from a dream where I heard a voice saying "Go get Ashira". Just those three words - repeated over and over. When I became more fully awake I expected the voice to cease - but it didn't it kept on with a steady fervency. I stretched and rolled over trying to fall back asleep -  but the voice kept on. Sleepily I got up, picked up Olaf (my cell phone) to check the time: 5:18 am. UGH!!! This was too early. Plus it was still dark outside and I didn't think I should be driving, I went to the bathroom thinking: "LORD, is this from You? Because a) it doesn't sound like Your voice and b) this seems ludicrous. Then I remembered reading something once that read along the lines of: If God asks you to do something and everything/one around you is telling you how CrAzY it is...DO IT! Without question - just do it!

I crawled back into bed with the voice still saying "Go get Ashira."

I picked up my Haitian phone, called Prudence. The rang and rang, just about the time I thought that she'd not pick up, she did!

In a weary sounding voice, she said "Hello?"

In Haitian culture it is always appropriate to first ask someone how they are doing, and about their family, before blindly rushing in with whatever problem or situation you have.

So, I said, "Good morning, Mama, how are you?" She said she was doing fine. I then asked how Ashira was? She said  she too was ok, had been crying a little but had just had her bottle, but she was ok now.

I said, "OK, it's just that I woke up with "Go get Ashira." running through my mind.

Would it be OK if I came and got her?

"Oh, YES Miss Elida", Prudence said, "You know, my mother is not here today, and I have to go to the Hospital, and I just don't know what I'm going to do with her, or how I'm going to take care of her today."

Now more fully awake, I said, "OK, give me a few minutes and I'll be there."

I realized I needed to take someone with me to get her, maybe I could wake Jen up, although I was sure she'd be none to happy with it. I pulled on some clothes and padded down the hall to her room. Arriving outside her door, I heard her alarm ringing.

I didn't *have* to wake her up, se was *already* awake. I slowly and with a few yawns, explained the situation to her. She agreed to come with me. She got up and threw on some clothes, used the bathroom and was ready to go in a few minutes.

I took that time to call Brett (my Field Leader) to ask him if it as OK that I take a vehicle, right now, still pre-dawn and get Ashira?

Poor Brett, he wasn't sure what a "shee-ra" was at first. When I said it was Baby Girl at Prudence's house. He said, that that was fine.

So Jen and I were ready to go, grabbing the Office key on our way out. We headed to the "Biwo", found the key to the Blue Truck in the dark (the city power was off, and the generator hadn't come on yet).

We hopped into the truck and off we went to Prudence's house.

We arrived a few minutes later, having just missed a cow as we came slowly up the hill and around the corner to Prudence's house.

Parking in front of her front gate, I jumped out and rapped on the gate door, it as quickly opened by someone inside. I gave a quick "Bonjou" and then headed up the front steps.

Prudence was just inside the house with a wide-eyed Ashira, we gave each other kisses of greeting on the cheek.

Then Prudence said to Ashira, "Oh God loves you so much! He is taking care of you. He has sent Miss Elida to take care of you." As she looked back at me she said, "Elida I've ben up praying since before 4 this morning wondering what I was going to do."
I didn't say anything I just smiled as we both walked out to the truck. Prudence with Ashira and me with her diaper bag.

We opened the truck door and handed a now sleeping Ashira to Jen. As I closed the door, Prudence wrapped me in a hug and whispered softly into my ear, "He knows. He hears us when we call. We don't have to be discouraged, He hears us."


P.S. At the Easter sunrise service we sang many wonderful Easter hymns, the last of which was Because He Lives. As we started to sing the second verse, the tears welled up in my eyes and all I could do was silently praise the One Who had made all this possible with His sacrifice of love.

Because He Lives

God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!

 Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!

 Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
And then one day, I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!

 Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone;
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
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Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC